ROAR offers unique naming privileges to our donors to decorate our world-class racing vehicles and hospitality privileges to access global AI racing events.
In the next decade, one of the greatest disruptive forces to the human workplace and societies will be the emergence of advanced AI and Robotics applications. The Berkeley ROAR program aims to meet the new challenges in Research and Education by creating competitive and open-source new robotics platforms to support our students’ endeavors to explore new frontiers of extreme intelligent use cases with a focus on extreme low cost and safety.
The Robot Open Autonomous Racing (ROAR) Support Fund will be used to provide support for UC Berkeley AI racing competitions and programs, including Robot Open Autonomous Racing (ROAR) Academy and ROAR Ambassadors. ROAR Academy offers informal AI/robotics teaching for high school students and ROAR Ambassadors bring year-round ROAR experiences to student clubs in partner K-12 schools and colleges. Uses of the Fund may include, but are not limited to, UC Berkeley student support, hosting ROAR-affiliated competitions, workshops, and hands-on activities, k-12 outreach activities, and programming needs.
The Fund will be spent at the direction of the Executive Director of the FHL Vive Center for Enhanced Reality, or their designee. In particular for donors who contribute annually more than $5,000, we offer unique naming privileges to our donors to decorate our world-class racing vehicles and hospitality privileges to access global AI racing events.
More instructions can be found at For donation instructions, please visit or reach out to:
Dr. Allen Y. Yang, Executive Director (
Huo Chao, Administrative Officer (