V1/V2 Racing Series
The ROAR reference hardware and software uniquely supports contenders to manually race their vehicles in virtual reality. The competition will pit different players to demonstrate their racing skills in 1/10 RC car style.
For more detail, please see: https://github.com/
Official Rulebook
ROAR Committee: Francesco Borrelli, Shankar Sastry, Koushil Sreenath, Allen Y. Yang (Chair)
ROAR Staff: Huo Chao Kuan, Moonwon Lee, Jazzy Rao, Michael Wu
College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Event Date: August, 8/14/21
Location: Bechtel Terrace
Morning Session: 10-12pm
Afternoon Session: 1-3pm
1.The layout of the 2021 ROAR Race Track at Bechtel Terrace is illustrated as follows:

2. Due to limited space, only four teams at a time, upon calling their names, may enter the
Track and the Garage area. Each team may be comprised of 1-5 team contestants. At no
time can any other contestants or their family members enter the restricted
competition area. Contestants during their race also cannot leave Garage.
3. Each race will have up to four teams racing together, each of which will be offered a vehicle
by the ROAR Committee. The track is one-way only. Any team driving the wrong way shall
immediately make correction.
4. The Start/Finish line is the Zebra line as shown in the track map. Each team must control
their vehicle to drive pass the Start/Finish line and subsequently 10 other checkpoints.
5. When a team completes the track for five (5) laps, the total lap time will be recorded as the
score of the team. The total lap time must be less than 15 minutes, otherwise for any other
reasons, the final score will be recorded as Did Not Finish (DNF).
6. Race umpires will be stationed at several checkpoint locations. When an accidents occurs,
umpires under their discretion will assist teams to correct the vehicle positions in order to put
the vehicles back to the race as soon as possible.
7. In the case of necessary maintenance or replacement on a vehicle, the team is allowed to
performance maintenance or replacement of the vehicle. However, such actions do not
extend the maximal lap time of 15 minutes including the time during which the maintenance
is performed. If maintenance causes the total lap time to exceeds 15 minutes, then the team
will automatically receive DNF. Any maintenance must be performed inside the designated
area in the Garage under the supervision of the ROAR Committee. After the maintenance,
the vehicle must re-run the current lap from the Start/Finish line.
8. The current V1/V2 rulebook does not allow teams to employ strategies that cause race
accident and/or collision of other teams’ vehicles. If a team is deemed intentionally causing a
vehicle accident and/or collision, under the sole discretion of the ROAR Committee, then
the team will be asked to stop the competition immediately and will receive DNF.
9. A team who may violate other safety rules, such as walking into restricted areas, not staying in
their designated Garage area, or not keeping social distancing under pandemic constraints
will be asked to stop the competition immediately, and will receive DNF.
10. A race score for each team is final. A team is not entitled to requesting a repeat of their race
with the aim to improve their score. This includes the situation a team’s score may be
negatively impacted by another team’s actions, by the ROAR committee personnel, by any
actions from the spectators, or by force of nature.
11. The ROAR Committee has the sole discretion to announce the race results based on this
rulebook, and to make necessary revisions of the rulebook.
We require one parent to join us at the event. The parent will check-in the student, supervise, and observe!
Bechtel Terrace is located on top of Bechtel Engineering Center on the Northeastern corner of campus.
There is free 2-hour residential parking available on La Loma Ave and Le Conte Ave. There is also metered parking on Hearst Ave and paid public parking at the Lower Hearst Parking Structure.
Students will use a computer that projects what our ROAR vehicles see and will be able to race them using a controller on a physical track.
You are able to compete in all ROAR competitions and events. We offer competitions 3 times a year, with our next competition on August 28. We will also continue to offer new and exciting opportunities in the future as we develop the platform. We will share additional details at the ROAR Summer Showcase Competition on August 14.