Indy Autonomous Challenge
AI Racing Tech team is one of nine teams that currently compete in the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC). The IAC is a collaborative effort bringing together public-private partnerships with academic institutions to challenge university students around the world to imagine, invent, and prove a new generation of automated vehicle software to run fully autonomous racecars. As this competition is a significantly greater challenge the UH-ART team is proud to be collaborating with the UH-Manoa Robotics Lab, UC Berkeley, and Triton-AI UC San Diego to form the AI Racing Tech team!
A main focus of AI Racing Tech has been developing advanced simulation environments that test autonomous software stacks in a real-world setting (“Sim–to–Real”). This Sim–to–Real focus is a valuable solution to the challenge of needing many hours on a racetrack to properly advance an autonomous software stack.
AI Racing Tech has been a leading developer in simulation environments for both the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Las Vegas Motor Speed Way, developing 3D maps and race car dynamics for SVL Simulator and CARLA simulator. The team also supports integration with BeamNG.